22 augustus 2017
Donald Trump short speech draft
My fellow Americans, let me tell you what my view of America is.
I see two groups of people in this country, and they're not the groups you may be thinking of.
On the one hand there are extremists and on the other there are moderates.
The extremists can be left- or right-wing. I don't care what they are, I don't like them. I don't trust extremists and I never will. Extremists aren't interested in democracy, nor in the rule of law, which are the fundamentals of western society.
The moderates are both left- and right-wing too. I don't have a problem with that. I am grateful to the people who voted for me, and I respect those who supported my opponent. They are both groups of reasonable people, who can debate issues in a civilized way and at the end of it, we have a vote and determine who wins.
I want the moderate people to rule this country. Everybody who resorts to name calling, is hostile and aggressive. And they're out. Whether they are neo-Nazis or fascists or anarchists or Antifa, I don't care. They don't want to play by the rules of a decent country, they only make a lot of noise and create a lot of hate.
The same goes for the media: if you distort the truth, tell lies, prove not to be reliable, you're out too. The American people deserve honest reporting, they have the right to be informed accurately by newspapers and TV stations.
Journalists who have turned into political activists, damage the trust of the public, and will gradually be replaced by others, who do a better job of honestly informing the citizens of this country.
Let me assure you: this is the view shared by a large majority of the people in this country. This nation is fed up with extremism, we want the constructive forces to be in charge. That was our history and that will be our future.
Thank you very much and God bless America.